
Company of heroes steam dead bodies stay mod
Company of heroes steam dead bodies stay mod

company of heroes steam dead bodies stay mod

If they do, the "waiting for medic-dead-body" problem need to be addressed vs. Maybe devs will change this anytime in the future.

company of heroes steam dead bodies stay mod

Sad because the values are possible to edit but not in a useful way due to not working correctly. So whatever I did had no advantages as how its now. If 1 or 2 does not work but I use a timer (like trying to just increase stay time but not forever), the time-value is ignored. If they do but "medic mode (alive but on ground)" is activated, they stay forever Those corpses who should stay do only but in "T-pose"Ģ. Ok I tryed many changes but it doesnt work.ġ. Still a problem, for a total mod (all types of INF dead bodies stay all time), EVERY unit entry need to be changed like that = much work. I changed "death seconds" to -1 and "delete_when_dead" to false. If you go ebps area in editor, EVERY unit has a

company of heroes steam dead bodies stay mod

Im in the editor atm trying to find the option for stay time. some games last 2 hours and around 5-7000 dead bodies litter the map. I play 4v4 with friends against hardest AI in aoe4, with dead bodies that stay forever.

Company of heroes steam dead bodies stay mod